Monday, June 29, 2009

Tech Review of 10 iPhone 3.0 Most Noticeable Upgrades And Tips!

I will also be comparing mobile devices and other Smart phones besides the iPhone, PDAs, and Cell Phones to share pros and cons and tips to help you choose the best device to use personally.

Though this is not a comprehensive list, here is some useful tips in regards to Apple's iPhone 3.0 software upgrade differences.
  1. Missed Call: Missed calls no longer shows an alert dialogue box if you have a browser window open.
  2. Forward Text Option (Tip): Great iPhone 3.0 feature. This is not obvious until you click the "Edit" button, which shows on the bottom of the screen in a blue color button.
  3. Share a Contact (Tip): This iPhone 3.0 feature shows within a text message only for information type of text messages (not from a personal contact). You will see a blue colored circle to the right of the message in order to get to a screen to select this option.
  4. Photos App (Tip): Within the "Camera Roll" Photo Album, if you select the left bottom button (arrow pointing to the right), you will now see an option to "Share," "Copy," and "Delete" at bottom of screen. Cool! Now you are able to do more with your photos a bit more inherently within the App. Great iPhone 3.0 feature.
  5. Auto Sync Stops iPod: Unfortunately, if you are listening to music and decide to plug in your iPhone into your computer, say... to charge it, by default this will initialize a sync. If music is playing, it will stop. You will have to go back into the "iPod" App and re-select the song you were last listening to in order to play music again. iPhone 3.0 feature :-).
  6. Home Screen Transitions: iPhone 3.0 has much better transition when sliding icon Apps from one home screen to another.
  7. Email: Reading email in landscape does not zoom in and out as smoothly when pinching in and out with your fingers. iPhone 3.0 feature :-).
  8. Re-Installation: Some Apps will have to be reinstalled after upgrading to iPhone 3.0. This sucks!
  9. Messages: The bubbles within the "Messages" App on iPhone 3.0 is now different. You will see a bit more of a text bubble look. Cool! Your messages bubbles are not only green, but have a slight tail to the right. The other person's texts show a bubble text slight to the left.
  10. Apps: There is a progress bar when installing and updating Apps on your iPhone 3.0 right within the App icon (and not under the icon).
  11. Messages: You will see a red exclamation (!) in unsent text messages. If you send a text message that for some reason doesn't go through, you will see a red "!". iPhone 3.0 feature :-).
I will continue to post more observations and tips in regards to iPhone's 3.0 Software Update.

iKeep It Funky!
Twitter - @iKeepItFunky