Thursday, November 19, 2009

Try on that new dress using your cell phone

Okay ladies. Those of you in Japan now have some very creative options to use for shopping. KDDI has a very cool App and service to provide shopping women the option to simulate trying on a that new dress, shirt and more directly from their cell phone. This saves time in the stores trying on clothes. This is a great way in reducing pollution of gas to fuel your car to run to the department store.

This is an Adobe Flash based App you can use to see how you look in that outfit before you buy. You are also able to change your hair type and/or body type - 'virtually'. Next time you are stuck on the train during your commute or just can't seem to make it to the department store - shop with ease. Check out how that outfit looks on your directly from your phone by trying it on virtually. Then you can also order it!

Peep the demonstration at

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